
Company profile :

Chemex is a swiss distributor company active in the orthopaedic field, and more specific in the arthroscopy. The company is only 1 year old, but their owners have more than 20 years experience in the medical field.

They have a tracking record in the pharmaceutical and medical device field.


Our philosophy :

Flexbility and Creativity, constantly looking for innovation.

This philosophy is an everyday challenge in order to fully satisfy our customers.

For instance, Mr Arnon Fuhrmann, the owner, was the first to believe and launch the «All suture Anchor» in Switzerland. Some other treatments for the shoulder pathology have been promoted since then with a lot of success.


Team  :

Arnon Fuhrmann
078 888 45 00
Nibin John (Deutschschweiz)
078 930 20 40
Sandro Boemio (Suisse romande)
078 708 46 06